Northwood kindergarten class makes lunch for Open Door Mission

Students in Jessica Killins-Plucknette’s kindergarten class at Northwood Elementary School in Hilton recently learned the fine art of making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Local chef Cruz Nieves from Rella Restaurant in Rochester stopped by on December 18 to help the students make lunches for the Open Door Mission. Each lunch consisted of a carefully made peanut butter and jelly sandwich and an orange. Stephanie Hanna, special education teacher, arranged the visit. She also worked with Tricia Clasgens’ second grade class to have the students write notes of kindness to put in each of the lunch bags. “We have talked quite a bit about acts of kindness and connected this with citizenship between the classes,” said Hanna.
The Open Door Mission in Rochester provides shelter and bedding each night for up to 40 homeless men and 10 homeless women.
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