Holley Pre-K and Kindergarten registration
Those interested in enrolling a child in Holley Central School District’s Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) or Kindergarten program should complete the form located at https://bit.ly/PreKKHCSD2020. The district will then mail you the appropriate registration packet to complete.
Children currently attending Holley CSD UPK will be automatically enrolled in Kindergarten with no additional registration required.
Once completed, applications can be mailed back to the school or dropped off by appointment only. Contact Karen Bower at Kbower@holleycsd.org or 638-6318, ext. 2580 to set up an appointment. Copies of birth certificates, proof of residency, immunization records, and any applicable custodial paperwork will be collected at a later date. The mailing address is Holley Elementary School, 3800 North Main Street, Holley, NY 14470.
Screening dates for UPK and Kindergarten will be announced at a later date.
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