
Merton Williams MS funds rainwater collection system for Ugandan students

For the third year, Hilton’s Merton Williams Middle School students have teamed up with the Ugandan Water Project to provide clean water to countries in need. The school just received word that this year’s efforts have provided a rainwater collection system that is now transforming the lives of people in Uganda. Because of the school’s support, 91 students and teachers at Kent Junior School in Uganda’s Sanda community now have access to clean, safe drinking water.

“Your project could not have come at a more critical time since it has now equipped 91 people with access to clean, safe water in the midst of a global pandemic,” said Marina Cull, communications director for the Ugandan Water Project. “We’re so grateful that you chose to partner with the Ugandan Water Project to give water and give life to Kent Junior School for years to come.”

In the fall, two assemblies were held that launched the students’ fundraising campaign. James Harrington, executive director in the United States, and Collins Alinaitwe, project manager in Uganda, illustrated how the filtration systems work and explained what it was like to carry heavy jugs of water long distances. The school learned that children in Uganda fetch water from a well two kilometers away to be used for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. This task took hours out of their day, often causing students to be late to school; even then, they would get sick from the contaminated water. The rainwater collection systems allow the children to get clean water at school and spend their day learning rather than hauling and boiling water.

The new rainwater collection system at Kent has eliminated 3.32 miles of walking per day for students and reduced collection time by 16.67 hours per day.

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