
Hilton Apple Fest awards scholarships

The Hilton Apple Fest awards scholarships to Hilton High School seniors each year. Seniors were invited to submit an application reflecting on their own experiences volunteering with or leading an initiative or project meant to foster a better community. They also provided a consideration or proposal of an idea or way people can come together to champion a better community. They included their career goals (college, military, or vocational programs to which they have applied). 

The 2020 Hilton Apple Fest scholarship winners were Ethan Hryhorenko, Alyssa Lombardo, and Brian Phung.

Ethan Hryhorenko has volunteered with teaching inner city children lacrosse, served at the Open Door Mission, volunteered at SADD presentation, cleaned Durand Park, and worked at the Cub Scout Pack 125 booth at the Hilton Apple Fest. He also volunteered to help during a walk for Multiple Sclerosis. He strongly values the importance of giving to the community. He plans to attend Binghamton University in hopes of becoming an anesthesiologist.  

Alyssa Lombardo has volunteered at the Hilton SPARKS booth at the Hilton Apple Fest and the Hilton Parma Emergency Food Shelf. She has volunteered for fundraising for Villalobos Rescue Center (a shelter for dogs) and other animal shelters. She feels donating time to the community makes a difference. Her interest and passion for animals is leading her to a wildlife biology or animal welfare career. 

Brian Phung has volunteered at Unity Hospital, Greece Public Library, summer help at Quest Elementary School, Hilton Apple Fest, and fundraising for the Hilton Winter Drumline. He has been the section leader in his school’s marching band, winter drumline and wind ensemble. He has been the battery captain of the Hilton Crimson Cadets Marching Band. He plans to pursue biochemistry in college and has applied to several colleges and universities.

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