
Teacher Honors from former students

Hilton High School teachers Michael Brooke-Gay and Jared Streiff were recently honored in the Rochester Institute of Technology (R.I.T.) Distinguished Teacher Recognition Program.

Brooke-Gay, a chemistry teacher, was nominated by Julia Wuest, Hilton Class of 2016. “Mr. Brooke-Gay is the kind of teacher every kid hopes to see written on their schedule. He is enthusiastic, personable, challenging and compassionate,” said Wuest. “He comes to school each day genuinely looking to help students learn and grow, not just as scientists, but as people and young adults.”

Streiff, a music teacher and Jazz Ensemble director, was nominated by Daniel Keirsbilck, Hilton Class of 2017. “Jazz was a class that I looked forward to each day, and it is one of the things I miss most about high school,” said Keirsbilck. “Mr. Streiff is an exceptional teacher and a caring person.”

As Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award recipients, Wuest and Keirsbilck were invited to nominate a teacher for the Distinguished Teacher Recognition Program. They are among the top one percent of R.I.T. undergraduate students who are able to maintain a high standard of academic excellence while also giving back to their community through civic or volunteer work, conducting research, or being engaged in a co-op or work in their field of study.

An awards ceremony is normally held in March, but was canceled due to the pandemic. Brooke-Gay and Streiff each received a framed certificate, copy of their nomination and program, and a personal letter from Ellen Granberg, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Provided information and photos

Michael Brooke-Gay
Jared Streiff

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