Wheatland-Chili second quarter honor rolls

The second quarter High Honor and Honor Rolls have been released by Wheatland-Chili MS/HS Principal Eric Windover. “I’m extremely proud of these students,” said Windover. “It has been a tough year and they are excelling despite it all. Congratulations, Wildcats!” Recipients will receive a certificate of achievement and a gift bag provided by the Wheatland-Chili Parent Teacher Association.
HIGH HONOR ROLL- Austin Allen, Riley Austin, Meteo Brunner, John Dettmer, Saniya Dhakal, Shane Drexler, Carrington Edwards, Elizabeth Fugle, Vanessa Guerrero, Grace Hall, Hailey Hotaling, Isabella Keister, Rebecca LaVair, Jaeda Mekker, Keira Nash, Georg Nau, Ava Pizarro, Madison Pope, Jonah Post, Jack Tassone, Constantine Valle, Paige Vandervoort, Olivia Wantke, Don’Nette White-Smith, Freddie Woerner, Colden Young
HONOR ROLL– Wyatt Davis, Gina DeLorme, Lindsey DeLorme, Miya Gage, Griffin Hitchings, Junior Kamara, Madeline Russell, Jaden Simmons, Ammon Swavely, Claire VanKuren, Michael Yankanich
HIGH HONOR ROLL- Cora Baird, Kai Chitaphong, Khloe Chitaphong, Ella Cullum, Danielle Dean, Kira DeBruyne, Megan Fraser, Miguel Gonzalez, Amanda Kohn, Katalina Monnat, John Niven, Payton Pope, Jaden Schwenebraten, Katie Smith, Claire Webster
HONOR ROLL– Houston Armoto, Torrence Bansbach, Elizabeth Michaels, Kaitlyn Miles, Si’Anna Miller, Michael Rogers, Landon Skellen
HIGH HONOR ROLL- Aiden Brandes, Adalyn Cross, Erin Hallock, Benjamin Hebrock, Sienna Mekker, Olivia Musson, Dillon Nelson, Keith Nicolosi, Eli Orloff, Aiyanna Ortiz, Owen Paladino, Kathryn Tabor
HONOR ROLL– Julia Burkhardt, John Cameron, Jamie Crawford, Padraig Crowley, Destenie Gardner, Reghan LaMere, Madeline LaVair, Camryn Limner, James Montgomery, Megan Putman, Isabella Reid, Katharine Rhoads, Eric Russell, Willow Taylor, Sandip Tiwari, Jasmine Traino, Ethan Wuest
HIGH HONOR ROLL- Marena DeBruyne, Gabriella Fals, Alison Farrell, Ethan Hallock, Hannalee Hotaling, Carissa Keister, Matthew Kelly, Julia Lynch, Tera Milazzo, James Nolan, Kyle Otto
HONOR ROLL– Azlynne Adams, Owen Alquist, Evelyn Armoto, Madison Baird, Ella Chitaphong, Tahlib Clark, Jaydon DePaul, Ashley Gottorff, Gabriel Greenfield, Bella Hall, Andreyaliz Miranda, Emily Parker, Mikayla Pfenninger, Alexander Thomas, Elizabeth Vandervoort, Alyxandria VanEpps, Alexander Vazquez
Grade 10:
HIGH HONOR ROLL- Kendall Austin, Terrance Bayly-Henshaw, Grace Braselton, Cole Cameron, Cody Crawford, Elizabeth Dettmer, Taylor Drummond, Grace Gocher, Mara Kradle, Lauren Nelson, Anya Niven, Madeline Reid, Khushi Relan, Jadyn Schnarr, Laryssa Smith
HONOR ROLL- Christopher Bulmahn, Keiara Dejesus, Yamuna Dhakal, Aiden Gauthier, Taylor Moore, Karnage Napier, Nicholas Nicosia, Olivia Passmore, Giovanni Ramirez, Christina Schwenebraten, Julia Shelton, Dylan Shepanski, Ellisa Smalling
Grade 11:
HIGH HONOR ROLL– Scout Brandes, Ava Cody, Raina Evans, Nathaniel Fals, William Gocher, Justin Gross, Connor Ingham, Timothy Maurer, Alannah McLean, Ella Murray, Lindsey Post, Nathan Russell, Madyson Sebastian
HONOR ROLL- Alexandra Destounis, Edward Everts, Joseph Hicks, Joshua Lewis, Aaron Lund, John Lynch, Andrew Nolan, Just’Hana Yawn-Gordon
Grade 12:
HIGH HONOR ROLL- Acacia Adams, Rachel Allen, Anthony Banach, Victoria Bowman, Connor Carlin, Joseph Delorisses, Jarret DeLorme, Cassidy Donals, Dominic Moon, Shayla Moore, Ian Orloff, Anthony Polisseni, Ethan Truax
HONOR ROLL- Hannah Beldue, Ethan Buyea, Amaar Kelly, Luke Otto, Logan Rocha, Tieshawn Walker, Destiny Williams, Aaryana Young

Honor roll students receive WCPTA gifts