WEMOCO hosting CTE Expo ‘21

A career and technical education can serve as the key to a successful career after high school. Students gain skills that are helpful for college and apprenticeships, and connections to local industries and employers.
Explore opportunities in 20 different career fields available at WEMOCO during CTE Expo ’21 on Thursday, November 4, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. This event is open to families of eighth, ninth, and tenth grade students in school districts served by Monroe 2 Orleans BOCES. Attendees will be able to tour the labs, see student demonstrations, and meet teachers.
WEMOCO Career and Technical Education Center is located at 3599 Big Ridge Road in Spencerport. Masks are required; reservations are not. All COVID protocols will be followed during this event.
For information about CTE Expo ‘21, call 352-2759.
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