
Brockport’s 17th Annual Walk To School Day

What a great day!! 

Brockport’s 17th Annual Walk To School Day was treated to a beautiful, clear, sunny day (okay, a bit chilly!) which resulted in an outstanding turnout! Over 600 students and many more parents, grandparents, relatives, and siblings walked or biked or scootered to school on October 5. The winner of the elementary school competition for the highest percentage of walkers was Elizabeth Barclay School (which is getting to be a habit of theirs!) and the winner of the Oliver Middle School competition was the 6th grade class. 

Walk To School Day, held annually on the first Wednesday of October, is an international event with children from countries around the world walking to school to celebrate the health and environmental benefits of walking. 

Our community’s event could not succeed without the involvement and energy of multiple people and organizations. Special thanks to Kalir and Robb farms for their apples, Tim Horton’s for its coffee, the Brockport Central School District, Brockport PTSA, Brockport Police Department, and the multiple individual volunteers, including a dinosaur and unicorn, who made this day fun, safe, and memorable. Thanks, also, to Oak Orchard Health, Strong West, Brockport Kiwanis and Lions Clubs, and the Harsch Crip Seaman Post 379 for their generous financial contributions. Together we can do great things! 

Jim Goetz, MD
Brockport Walk To School Committee

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