Students inducted into Hilton Chapter of the NJHS

Merton Williams Middle School inducted 55 students into the Hilton Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society during a ceremony held February 15 at Hilton High School.
Principal Marc D’Amico welcomed audience members and addressed the inductees. “I am excited to see you grow into the young adults and adults who will be the change agents and leaders that will make our world a more just and better place,” he said. “Remember to always look for opportunities to stand up and be better. Never stop finding the courage to come forward and do the right thing. Keep giving your all, keep advancing, and remember, people won’t care about what you know until they know how much you care.”
NJHS inductees Eva Brooks and Brianna Sadecki gave the history of the National Junior Honor Society. Then Audrey Butler, Gianna Pignagrande, Payton Alyward, Melissa Jorgensen, Ian Kingdollar and Cayden Moyer described the five characteristics of membership – scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship and character – and participated in the candle-lighting ceremony.
Advisors Kirsten Meyers and Anastasia Stamoulacatos spoke about each inductee’s accomplishments as they stood before the audience, then signed the registry, shook hands with administrators, and received their pin and a special cookie.
In order to be invited to apply for membership into the National Junior Honor Society, students must first hold an average of 95 percent for the first three marking periods of seventh grade. The rigorous application process includes the completion of 15 hours of community service, proof of participation in leadership experiences, a personal letter of interest for consideration, and letters of recommendation.
As the keynote, Rodrigo Encina, middle school Spanish teacher, told students that it’s not what is in their pockets that matters, it’s what is in their hearts. He advised them to choose their friends wisely. “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future,” he quoted. “Choose friends who are going to choose you back. Choose people who are going to help you be better because, believe it or not, you are going to become those you surround yourself with.”
Encina concluded by performing the song, “Forever Young,” on his guitar.
At the end of the ceremony, the new inductees handed their parents personal letters of thanks.
The National Junior Honor Society Inductees are: Evalyn Adams, Taylor Anne, Iviana Asis, Payton Alyward, Landon Barton, Kara Brone, Eva Brooks, Meena Butani, Audrey Butler, Michael Charella Jr., Hailey Connolly, Helene Fronczak, Kathryn Green, Ryan Gruener, Casey Hanrahan, Declan Helmer, Jonah Herron, Ethan Hill, Aliana Ishchenko, Evan John, Melissa Jorgensen, Alexiz Kerschen, Ian Kingdollar, Samantha Korzenieski, Matthew Kosiorek, Emma Lang, Rayme Langswager, Ryleigh Lent, Nathan McConnell, Sophie Meagher, Kiersten Melos, Damian Mesh, Morgan Meyer, Natalie Mott, Cayden Moyer, Madison Murphy, Meghan Nardone, Alexa O’Neill, Amina Obradovic, Nora Palmer, Kylie Pandina, Joseph Paz, Gianna Pignagrande, Zatanna Reynolds, Brianna Sadecki, Owen Schrader, Larson Schuler, Sophia Sciortino, Amelia Sloan, Lucas Smith, Sophia Soricone, Liana Spagnola, Mia Tsang, Jared Wade, and Luke Zelesnikar.
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