Holley holds Seal of Civic Readiness Symposium

The Holley High School Social Studies Department held a Seal of Civic Readiness Symposium on May 23. The Seal of Civic Readiness is a formal recognition that a student has attained a high level of proficiency in terms of civic knowledge, civic skills, civic mindset, and civic experiences. During the event, students gave presentations on topics they are passionate about. Presenters and topics were: Erin DeFrank –Should the United States invest more money into preventing cyber attacks by foreign nations?; Emma Downey – Are nurses set up to fail?; Harriet Rose Emery – How does social media impact the LGBTQ+ community?; Sarah Kelly – Should direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertisements be legal in the United States?; Shannon Kelly – Should New York State require armed security in schools?; Casey Onisk – Should LGBT topics be taught in school?; Ava Quincey – Should elementary students have access to technology in their classrooms?; Elise Quincey – Has the United States invested enough into long-term global sustainability?; Julia Scroope – Should teachers be armed?; Lily Sprague – Why is the Veterans Outreach Center the best resource for local veterans?; and Lydia Sprague – Should the government become more proactive than reactive when it comes to child care?
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