
Merton Williams Middle School makes clean drinking water possible for Ugandan school

The rainwater collection system that Merton Williams Middle School students and staff sponsored this spring has been completed and is transforming the lives of people in Uganda. Because of Merton Williams’ support, clean water is now available for Lutembe Umea Primary School’s 12 staff and 473 students.

Previously, students and staff fetched water from an off-site borehole well. By bringing a rainwater collection system to facility grounds, Ugandan Water Project estimates that up to 1.50 miles of walking and 15.17 hours of collection time per day was eliminated for these students and staff.

“We’re so grateful that Merton Williams Middle School chose to partner with the Ugandan Water Project to give water and give life to these schools for years to come,” said Jess Alinaitwe, director of community partnerships for Ugandan Water Project.

As part of their International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme service learning project, Merton Williams Middle School has partnered with the Ugandan Water Project for several years to sponsor projects that make clean drinking water available to the people of Uganda.

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