
Byron-Bergen students flex leadership skills to benefit school in Belize

Twenty-six boxes of school and athletic supplies arrived in Belize on August 7, 2024, destined for the Soccotz R.C. School in San Ignacio. The story of the boxes began five months earlier when the Byron-Bergen Adventure Club traveled to Belize over Spring Break. Their visit to the Soccotz R.C. School included meetings with students and staff as well as classroom tours and a game of soccer. The visit also revealed that the classrooms were under-resourced and relied on supply donations or, in some cases, the purchase of school supplies by teachers. This realization led a few Byron-Bergen students to brainstorm ways of supporting the Belizean school by helping provide supplies and materials. Tenth-grade students Ava Goff, Megan Jarkewicz, and Libby Starowitz were among these students.

“I wanted to participate in the Belize donation event because seeing so many people in need really opened my eyes,” said Jarkewicz. “That trip helped me to appreciate how many basic materials we can afford here in the United States. Walking through the classrooms at the Succotz R.C. School and seeing how little those kids truly had sparked something in me to want to help.”

Under the guidance of Science Teacher and trip coordinator Peter Spence and parent chaperone Sherry Starowitz, the three students developed a strategy to help their new friends in Belize. They prepared presentations to local businesses and secured support with shipping costs and supply purchases. Donations from Liberty Pumps, Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing, and Turn Key Operations provided teaching materials, athletic equipment, and shipping costs.

“I was surprised by how happy the students in Belize were even though they didn’t have the facilities or supplies we have,” said Starowitz. “I’m most proud of how the Byron-Bergen community came together to support the school in Belize.”

“Something that excited me the most while doing this project is that not only was I helping the school but also the kids,” said Goff. “While in Belize we ended up playing soccer with a couple of kids and that encouraged me even more to want to help provide for them and their school.”

With transportation and larger supply donations secured, the students turned their attention to small donation collections. In collaboration with district administration, the students placed boxes in the Byron-Bergen Elementary School and Jr./Sr. High School for basic school supplies and devised a sixth-grade kickball challenge to boost donations. Students, teachers, and community members donated generously.

“I’m very impressed with the girls’ hard work and the support from Mr. Spence and the B-B community,” said Adventure Club parent chaperone Sherry Starowitz.

Goff, Jarkewicz, and Starowitz organized, inventoried, and packed the donations for delivery to Liberty Pumps, who handled shipping.

“Libby, Ava, and Megan led the project from conception to close amidst finals, the end of the school year, and summer vacation,” said Byron-Bergen Jr./Sr. High School Principal Paul Hazard. “Their dedication to the cause is inspiring. Mr. Spence and Mrs. Starowitz were great facilitators and the generous donations from three local businesses left me in awe of the power of our school community.”

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Students picked up supplies donated by Triple O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing. Pictured are (l-r) Melissa Putnam, Josh Fitzpatrick, Luke Abraham, Ava Goff, and Libby Starowitz.

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