Local residents win USCA Croquet tournament

The Rochester Croquet Club hosted its 11th annual American Six-Wicket Croquet Tournament August 9 through 11 at the Grace & Truth Sports Park in Hilton. Fifteen players from six states competed in both doubles and singles matches amidst a rain-threatened weekend.
The singles tournament players were placed according to skill levels in three flights, or blocks, and the doubles players played in a high-low format, where a low-handicap player was paired with a high-handicap player throughout the weekend.

There were some very close and well-contested games. In the end, Spencerport resident James Peasley and his partner Richard Curtis of Rochester took home first place in the Doubles tournament.
In the Singles competition, the Championship block winner was Brian Hovis of Kentucky, with Macey White from Virginia taking second. First block first and second-place winners were Ron Millican of Missouri and Fred Beck of Maine, respectively. James Peasley beat Bill Vrooman of Buffalo by one wicket to win first place in the second block.
Besides place ribbons, the winners were also awarded unique, handcrafted gifts.
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Macey White of Virginia makes a wicket during one of his games.