
NSF grant expands STEM teacher training with full-tuition scholarships

The University of Rochester’s Warner School of Education and Human Development has received a $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) through the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program. Over five years, 21 students will receive full-tuition scholarships to enroll in the Warner School’s 15-month graduate teacher preparation programs in science, mathematics, or computer science. This newly awarded funding aligns with the launch of a new computer science teacher preparation program at the Warner School.

Building on the success of three prior Noyce Scholarship grants, this initiative will equip teachers to serve high-need schools in today’s increasingly digital landscape. Noyce scholarship recipients will learn to implement New York State’s new Computer Science & Digital Fluency Learning Standards, with a focus on equity and culturally responsive practices. The project will also advance best practices for preparing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) educators for a diverse and technological society.

The initiative is led by Warner School faculty members Raffaella Borasi, Zenon Borys, and April Luehmann, in collaboration with Zhen Bai from the University of Rochester’s Computer Science Department and Sharon Mason from Rochester Institute of Technology’s Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences.

“As the demand for skilled STEM teachers grows, this grant arrives at a critical time,” says Borasi, Frederica Warner Professor and Director of the Center for Learning in the Digital Age. “Not only does it address teacher shortages, but it prepares future educators to implement the new state standards in computer science in K-12 schools. NSF’s support will allow us to train a new generation of educators to bring digital literacy into classrooms and make science, mathematics and computer science education more accessible.”

Scholarship recipients will:
•Complete a 15-month master’s program combining subject-specific teaching methods with field experiences and student teaching in secondary school settings.
•Earn an advanced certificate in digitally-rich teaching.
•Take two additional courses (Digitally-Rich Teaching and Learning in K-12 Schools and Implementing Computer Science Standards Across the Curriculum) aligned with New York State’s Computer Science & Digital Fluency Learning Standards.
•Lead a culturally responsive interdisciplinary summer camp for rural middle school students.
•Participate in an online professional learning community during their first year of teaching.

Recipients agree to teach in a high-need school district for at least two years within four years of completing their graduate program. Eligible applicants must hold an undergraduate degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM).

This grant supports national efforts to enhance STEM education, address workforce demands –particularly for a growing microelectronics sector – and inspire students to pursue STEM careers by tackling key priorities and existing gaps.

“We are proud to continue our partnership with the NSF,” Borasi adds. “This investment goes beyond filling vacancies – it’s about equipping teachers to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers and innovators.”

Applications are now being accepted for the 2025-26 academic year. Prospective students passionate about STEM education and teaching in high-need schools are encouraged to apply. For more information, visit

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