Pineway Ponds 5K goes virtual

The Ogden Parks and Recreation/Spencerport Kiwanis Club Pineway Ponds 5K is coming up soon. This year’s event is going virtual, meaning participants can run the distance of their choosing (1 mile or 5K) at any location they choose, even a treadmill. A Family Mile distance, and a donation opportunity have been added for those who want to be involved, but don’t want to run or walk three miles.
The event runs from Sunday, September 20 through Saturday, October 3. Register online at Entry fee is $20 before August 31, and $25 on or after August 31. This year’s coveted performance t-shirt is guaranteed to those who register prior to August 31, and available on a first-come, first served basis after. Prizes will be awarded to top finishers who submit their times, as well as prizes in a number of other fun categories.
Proceeds will go towards the Willie Bee Foundation. This foundation’s mission is to ease the burden that a child’s life-threatening condition causes on a family. Find out more about this organization at
Limited sponsor spots remain. Contact Ogden Parks and Recreation at for information.
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