Knights sponsor free throw competition

St. John the XXIII Council of the Knights of Columbus held its annual basketball free throw championship on May 15 at St. John the Evangelist School gym. The competition is for boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 14. Contestants throw 25 shots from the free throw line to see how many baskets they can make. Although the field this year was greatly abbreviated due to COVID concerns, those who did participate had a great time. Every contestant received a $5 McDonald’s gift certificate, regardless of how they finished. Medals and certificates were awarded on June 10 at St John’s. Shown here are (l-r), Grand Knight Jeff Lambert; John Moore with his son Mason, winner of the 12-year-old boys class; Katie Courtney with daughters Claire and Bridget, who was the 10-year-old girls winner; Josh Pokracki with his son Aston and daughter Taylor, the 9-year-old girls winner; Ben Barrow, tournament director. Missing from the picture are Leigha Pokracki, 11-year-old girls winner; J’Mari Dyson, 12-year-old boys runner up; and Adriella Collichio, 9-year-old girls runner up. “A good time was had by all and we were glad to be able to sponsor an activity for our youth that had them out and active,” said director Ben Barrow. “As we recover from this pandemic, our hope is to be able to fill a much greater field next year for our youth.”
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