Croquet tournament hotly contested

With soaring temperatures, the weather added its own heat to the hotly contested games of the recent American Rules Doubles Tournament hosted by the Rochester Croquet Club.
Twelve players were divided into six teams for a high-low format featuring three one-hour games in block play before seeding to the semi-finals. In the American Rules game, when a player hits their ball into another ball (roquet), they get two additional shots – the croquet and the continuation. In the croquet shot, the striker ball takes their ball in hand and places it next to where the object ball stopped. The two balls must touch, and the object ball must visibly move on the croquet shot. The player then has one more shot, the continuation, to score a wicket or shoot their ball to another spot. By successfully hitting other balls and scoring wickets, a player can run a “break” and score multiple wickets in one turn.
With players from Lewiston joining local players, the competition was keen, with many games being won or lost by only one point and often in last turn. Winners will receive gift card prizes at the club’s annual fall awards dinner.
The teams that ended up in the top three places were: first – Rich Laging and Joel MacDonald; second – Peter Sherer and Joanne O’Keefe; third – Linda Bowers and Kathy Gamlen.
For more information on the Rochester Croquet Club, visit or email
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