
Upcoming Hunter Education courses

As spring approaches and with the spring turkey season beckoning, the Conservation Club of Brockport is offering New York State Hunter Education courses to the general public. Both Hunter Education (HE) and Bowhunting Hunter Education courses are scheduled.

NYS DEC courses are mandatory requirements for anyone interested in obtaining a New York State hunting license. The HE course is a mandatory requirement for anyone who would like to obtain a NYS Small/Large Game license and it is a requirement for hunting deer with a crossbow or muzzleloader. To hunt large game using a bow and arrow during the fall archery season, the DEC requires that you also take the Bowhunting course to learn bowhunting skills, elevated stand safety techniques and other New York State mandated content. Students successfully completing these courses are issued Certificates of Qualification (CoQ) that must be presented when obtaining a hunting licence, and/or muzzleloading or bowhunting privilege. The Bowhunting and HE CoQ may also be required to purchase out of state licenses. Conservation Club in person classes are offered free of charge. Alternatively, fee based online classes are available through DEC site links.

The spring Hunter Education course (gun) will be offered on Saturday, April 12. Interested students may register online through the DEC website at

Fall classes are scheduled on August 30 (Bowhunter Ed.) and October 11 (HE). These classes are currently visible on the DEC site and will open for registration in May and June.

Students may obtain the hard copy HE Student Manuals from the Conservation Club lobby, 291 Ladue Road, Brockport, during Monday open trap (5 to 8 p.m.), from the Sweden Town Offices on State Street, or from Seymour Library at 161 East Avenue. A copy can also be downloaded from the DEC website, and download directions are provided during the registration process. Students should allow adequate time to prepare the mandatory homework.

In fulfillment of its charter, the Conservation Club of Brockport regularly provides firearms and bowhunting educational opportunities. Beginners Trap Shooting class is no longer offered, but beginning shooters, including non-members, may receive a personalized introduction on the fourth Monday of each month during open trap. For details about trap, contact

For more information about upcoming classes, visit the DEC website at, call the Department of Environmental Conservation Region 8 Headquarters at 585-226-2466, or email

Information about the Conservation Club of Brockport is available from the club website:

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