National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Friday, March 29, is National Vietnam War Veterans Day. This day is set aside to honor those who bravely served and sacrificed and their families. Nearly 10% of their generation served during the Vietnam War era. The Vietnam War is arguably one of the most controversial and divisive conflicts in American history. Television brought home to American living rooms the hardships of serving and the trauma of war. Despite this, members of the military continued to carry out their missions with bravery and resolve. Grunts continued to hump through dark, torturous jungles and swamps; pilots continued to fly support and resupplies through enemy fire; nurses, doctors, and medics continued to heal young warriors. Defending democracy at home and fighting for a foreign country’s right to self-govern left scars on the returning veterans. Nightmares of war and post-traumatic stress were common and compounded by the lack of respect of a nation that seemed ungrateful for their service. Often times it seemed they were blamed for a war they didn’t start and denigrated by the community they sought to serve. The National Vietnam War Veterans Day is our opportunity to celebrate the veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice.