

I am baffled by the actions of those who’s slogan is “love Trumps hate.” We had a Trump flag on our mailbox in Hilton. One night at 10:38 p.m. someone pulled into our driveway and broke the flag right off our mailbox. I put a sign on our mailbox saying our flag was stolen. A couple days later someone, whom we don’t know, gave us another Trump flag. Thank you to whoever you are!

Then on Friday, October 23rd, as I was enjoying the nice weather in my front yard, a black card drove by with a big megaphone. The young female in the car saw our Trump flag and started heckling me and called me a couple names. She did it again going down the street in the opposite direction.

I thought these people were against hate and for love and unity. These actions prove otherwise. Actually unless someone changed the definition of harassment, I’m pretty sure that’s what this is. The only person who showed love was that person who gave us another Trump flag.


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