
“LONELINESS Is A Major Social Problem”

It is my opinion that the least talked-about major social problem that we have in our country is “LONELINESS.” I believe that it was Henry David Thoreau who said that most people “lead lives of quiet desperation.”

You can be surrounded by a lot of people who you know, including your family members, and yet still feel very lonely and like you are all alone in this world. You can feel as if no one loves you or cares “FOR” you. Caring “FOR” someone differs from simply caring about someone.

I can still recall being a 10 year-old boy and hearing a radio talk-show host frequently saying “If I rang a bell, and people could suddenly and magically totally change their lives, millions would be killed in the rush.”

I am not claiming that this letter speaks for most people. But I do claim that it speaks for a sizable minority.

P.S. I am a new volunteer for/with an organization called “The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network”, known as “RAINN.” The National Volunteer Coordinator has asked me to focus my efforts on “Legislative Advocacy.”

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