Local Concerns

Small town bullying

Living in a small town can be great except when they discriminate against a member of your family.

The Town of Ogden dog warden encouraged our neighbors to file dangerous dog charges against our two German Shepard’s when the invisible fence batteries died and our female dog kept getting out and barking in the street at our neighbors. This charge should be used for: any dog that without justification, attacks a person, companion animal, farm animal or domestic animal and causes physical injury or death, or behaves in a manner that a “reasonable person” would believe poses a serious and unjustified imminent threat of serious physical injury or death to one or more persons. Now barking at a passersby should not be considered an imminent threat.

The Town prosecutor then intimidates you into thinking there is video proof of such thing when there is no proof at all showing your dog acting in such way. The Town’s departments work together to get dogs in this community marked dangerous and bend the rules of the law in their favor when there is many other reasonable paths to work through.

The Town of Ogden needs to have a deeper dive into the laws that they bend in their favor and then the prosecution of these laws. They are taking advantage of our rights.

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