
Reckless Spending

I am writing to respond to the frequent claim made by Republicans that Democrats in the Congress and in the liberal part of the news media support “RECKLESS SPENDING” by the federal government on programs that are intended to help people. I want the conservatives to tell the country which ones they want to CUT and REDUCE spending on. Well, it certainly can’t be Defense/Military spending. Then which programs do they want to cut RECKLESS SPENDING from? It is obvious–it has to be cut from the big ticket items. Which is the biggest one? SOCIAL SECURITY!!!!!—The federal government spends about 50% of all that it spends on Social Security alone. THAT’S what they want to cut. What other programs are the ones where they imagine that there is much RECKLESS SPENDING on? Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, College Student Loans, and Unemployment Insurance Benefits. Of course, they are NOT talking about doing something about how both of these programs are defrauded of billions of dollars by those in the health care/medical fields. They are NOT talking about reducing spending on these programs by lowering the costs of prescription drugs/medications. Oh no, that would be taking away the precious Constitutional right to make obscene profits off people’s illnesses and resultant misery. Their Constitutional right to total individual liberty and freedom to rip off the American people must be protected by the Republicans. Simply put, when they talk about cutting and reducing “RECKLESS SPENDING”, they are talking about wanting to cut Social Security Retirement Benefits of not only future retirees, but of current retirees as well. “Movement-Conservative” Paul Ryan suggests a cut of 23%-25% (notice that he has already selected the amount of the cuts he dreams of) . When he talks about “saving” and “reforming” Social Security, other conservative-Republicans know all too well that these are simply codewords and buzzwords that really mean cutting and then eventually abolishing/eliminating Social Security in its entirety.
So, this is what you are all talking about when you say that you stand for “compassionate conservatism.”
You are all-heart.

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