Resident of Ogden 37 years
This is a response to comments made by Councilman Thomas Uschold at the Aug. 12 meeting of the Ogden Town Board. Specifically, the remarks made by Councilman Uschold can only serve to widen the gap between supporters of Black Lives Matter and those who do not. It was described to me as a “racist rant” and I struggle to produce a more appropriate description. Apparently, a local teacher encouraged the Board to consider diversity training. Mr. Uschold’s response was hardly befitting an elected official of a local government. By listing a few statistics or referencing a successful Black doctor who appreciates living in the United States, he seems to think he is not in need of diversity training while his comments prove just the opposite. Racism is inherent in our society. It is prevalent and insidious. It is often unintentional. However, being unaware is irrelevant. Intent is irrelevant. Result on the recipient is everything.
Mr. Uschold listed the deaths of several Black people around the country at the hands of “peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters.” Any news coverage I have seen of BLM organizers, they have repeatedly denounced violence. There are opportunists who will “co-opt” any event to carry out their own agenda. I don’t condone the violence, but to blame BLM for every violent act is just willful ignorance. Has he tried listening to descendants of enslaved Blacks? Is he aware of the shameful history of denying basic rights to People of Color for centuries, e.g. denying the GI home loans to Blacks who fought in WWII. Those homes helped to build generational wealth for white Americans. Not so for those who fought side by side but happened to have darker skin.
When his comments veered into Planned Parenthood, I was aghast. Claiming anyone would get an abortion “for fun” is beyond the pale. What a disgusting accusation! How can anyone with a modicum of decency make such a vile statement? His white privilege is blatant and hateful.
He states that any third party diversity training will be propaganda. Has he researched them all? Is he familiar with their policies, goals, and techniques? Does he know of even one such organization? Has he read even one book on the topic? Ibram X. Kendi or Robin De’Angelo? Just the statement that the town should create their own diversity training belies the fact that he doesn’t understand the nature of the work so desperately needed.
In his comments concerning the police, he fails to include people who are not violent criminals. Unarmed Blacks have been killed while armed whites are arrested and taken into custody. By carefully choosing statistics, he has presented data to support his point of view.
This article tells a very different story. Basically, People of Color are disproportionately killed by police violence compared to whites.
Calling President Barack Obama a racist offends me and a great percentage of the population. Mr. Uschold has taken advantage of his position to share personal beliefs and basically vent his rage at the suggestion he might need to look beyond his white, American experience. I can only hope that Town Supervisor Gay Lenhard’s positive comments were a result of a hearing impairment.