American Rescue Plan

The American Rescue Plan is a relief bill for the pandemic-induced crisis. While not a panacea or cure-all, it will offer some relief. This legislation is supported by every sector in America. Former President Trump’s hand-picked Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, and his economic advisor, Kevin Hassett, have expressed support for the Rescue Plan. A group of bipartisan mayors from across the country sent a letter to Congress in which they wrote: “President Biden’s American Rescue Plan contains such assistance as part of an aggressive strategy to contain the virus, increase access to life-saving vaccines, and create a foundation for sustainable and inclusive recovery … Your quick action on President Biden’s plan is a crucial step to making meaningful progress in one of the most challenging moments in our country’s history. We encourage you to take up the President’s rescue plan as soon as possible in the 117th Congress.”
Over 300 small business leaders from across the country wrote to Congress: “The American Rescue Plan meets the urgency of the moment and takes the steps necessary to save small businesses struggling during these difficult times.” Leaders in education and State Treasurers from across the country sent letters to Congress urging the passage of The American Rescue Plan. This bill is not political and not controversial unless you politicize it by telling lies and intentionally mischaracterize the facts. That is what Congressman Chris Jacobs and the Republicans are doing. PolitiFact, the New York Times, and other fact-checking organizations have categorized the claims by Republicans that there is still “over a trillion dollars of money unspent from previous relief bills” as misleading since the money they are talking about, while not spent, is allocated to other purposes.
Furthermore, the claim that only nine percent of the money goes to Covid relief is also labeled as misleading at best. While only 8.4 percent is specifically allocated to fighting coronavirus, spending on things like subsidizing health insurance coverage for laid-off workers, extending paid sick leave, and funding for veterans is also important and needed to ensure the recovery from the pandemic.
While citizens in Orleans, Genesee, Wyoming, Livingston, and across the 27th congressional district are facing food insecurity, job and income insecurity, and a health care crisis, Congressman Jacobs wants to play political games and refuses to help the citizens of his district.