Democrats Keep Walking Into Rooms Of Fire

In my opinion, the Democrats keep walking into rooms of fire because i believe that they are hurting themselves and are making mistakes which I fear and suspect will result in the Republicans winning the 2022 mid-term Congressional elections “in a big way.”
Now, I’d like to be able to claim that I am the only Democrat who sees things this way. But if I did, I would be as big of a liar as are 99% of “The Cult of Trump” followers. Democrats Mark Lilla and Thomas Frank share my views.
Let me provide you with the gist of what I believe:
1. Democrats place too little emphasis on the economic and financial issues of survival that face the lower and middle classes. I am talking about the bread and butter and kitchen table issues. I am talking about protecting and enhancing the social safety-net programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and College Student Loans. These are usually winning issues for Democrats.
2. Democrats place too much emphasis on the “identity-politics” and “cultural wars: issues. They tend to go so far overboard on these that they are putting-off and turning-off a lot of voters. As Ted kennedy used to say—We should care deeply about these issues, but we should not trun the Democratic Party into “The Feminist and Women’s Party” or “The LGBTQ Party” or “The ____Minority Group Party.”
3. Democrats are handing conservatives and Republicans the rope with which they can hang the democrats when they call themselves “Democratic Socialists” especially since none of them are really true socialists at all. They are actually “Social Democrats.” Democrats need to stop leetting conservative-Republicans call them things like “socialists” and “Marxists” and “communists” and “radical-and-far-leftists.” If you use the fake and phony definitions of these terms that the right-wingers have, then that would have made Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, and John F. Kennedy “crazy socialists” too.
I urge all Americans and all of my neighbors to read the article titled “Bernie Sanders Isn’t A Socialist” which was written by Paul Krugman. It appeared in “The New York Times” newspaper and can be found online. Krugman won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics. I feel very confident in saying that a Nobel-Prize winning economist probably has a much more accurate sense of what a socialist really believes in and does not believe in than do right-wing propaganda mills and factories like “Fox News.”
P.S. I am a volunteer for and with an organization called “TIMES UP NOW.” It fights against P”SEXUAL HARASSMENT” in all parts of our society.