

Recently it was published that the Parma Town Board is proposing to increase the Supervisor’s salary to nearly $43,000.00. Imagine a part time “job” that pays this salary along with health care, unlimited vacation and a pension. The only way to even be considered for this position is to endure the political process.

Now days, its hard to determine whether an elected official is telling the truth but it’s even worst when they don’t share with us what they are doing. It used to be an honor to be a public servant, to be able to help taxpayers and provide only those needed service at the least possible cost.
For some reason, we have come to tolerate these “politicians” at the federal and state level and without terms limits, they just keep doing whatever necessary to get re-elected. Campaign promises disappear when the when re-election starts.

Except for the Highway Superintendent, I do not believe our Town Government is of the size that we need to pay part time elected official’s huge salaries. It was a honor to be elected, the position has been held by those willing to give of their time and energy for a common cause, not a paycheck.

Even worst, its been said that the Town Board is considering making it a full-time position with a full time salary without any input from the taxpayers. If anything, the Town should consider a “Town Administrator” position, someone not hampered by politics.

Local Town and School Boards are the only form of government where taxpayers still can have input and feel that their voice is being heard. We should be thankful that there are individuals who are still willing the represent taxpayers and not just be a rubber stamp to the whole process.

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