Jacobs is again deceiving his constituents

Congressman Chris Jacobs is again deceiving his constituents. In an interview with WBEN (11/19/21), Mr. Jacobs said he opposed the Build Back Better bill because: “This one here has subsidies for people making as much as $800,000 to be able to buy a Tesla,” he told the morning radio listeners. The Buffalo News fact-checked this statement and found it to be “mostly false.” The Buffalo News wrote that members of Congress should “be expected to be reasonably up to date on the facts and figures about legislation before they go on a radio show to talk to the public about it.” Mr. Jacobs’ criticism is odd coming from a Republican. Ever since Ronald Reagan, tax breaks to the rich have been their main economic policy. If the Build Back Better legislation actually gave tax breaks to the wealthy, Mr. Jacobs should be praising it. Actually, the legislation helps citizens in Mr. Jacobs’ district. Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, told Congress (11/30/21), “The Build Back Better plan contains support for households to help address some of the most burdensome and most rapidly rising costs that they face.” The legislation has provisions for child and elder care as well as expanded education and health care. I applaud the Buffalo News for pointing out the deception of our Congressman. Other news media outlets need to follow up with the question: Why doesn’t Mr. Jacobs support legislation that actually helps his constituents?