A new kind of party

Dear Editor,
Republicans and Democrats in America have hit on a method that plays extremely well with a misguided electorate.
They dispense non-stop hate directed at the opposing party, its policies, and candidates, all the while neglecting to examine themselves against any traditional standard, like morality or the Constitution.
This pathway is a winning formula for the parties, but a losing formula for the rising generations who must deal with all the hate.
On the other hand, the business and finance worlds go overboard portraying all the joyous and well-adjusted people taking Big Pharma’s drugs, buying consumer products, and taking out loans to make it all happen. Commerce almost approaches the churches in their disregard for pressing social, economic, and political issues and in their focus only on the positive.
So where is the sensible middle that finds some things not to like about other people and policies, but still plenty to like? Where are the advertisements that don’t promise the moon and eternal happiness by means of a pill, or a car, or a saturated fat- and sugar-filled meal, or yet another credit card?
Nowhere to be found.