Republican anger

The second debate showed us that Republicans are angry about people’s lives being destroyed by fentanyl ferried across the border by brown-skinned mules.
They are angry about parents being frozen out of school choice and curriculum decisions. They are angry about blue-collar crime being ignored by liberal prosecutors.
They are angry about America’s endless overseas wars which require debt-financing from creditors like China. They are angry about government welfare programs that wouldn’t be needed if people listened to evangelical preachers and simply repented.
They are angry about overseas energy dependence when this country has plenty of resources. They are angry they lost their seat of power in the White House.
In all their anger, it seems two things have been lost. First, the Constitution. No Republican debater mentioned any foundational Constitutional issue like term limits, proper exercise of the war power, or the executive branch usurping Congressional powers.
Also, not a single debater mentioned the party’s real bottom line issues—protecting and expanding the wealth of the 1% class and downplaying the prosecution of white-collar crime.