Lying will not make America great

During the debate, Donald Trump portrayed America as a nation terrorized by a wave of violent crimes committed by immigrants. Those statements are lies, period. Official FBI data, which is collected from police departments all across the country, shows that we experienced a substantial rise in homicides in 2020 while Mr. Trump was President. Since Mr. Biden has been President, the homicide rate has leveled off and, in the last two years, has steeply decreased.
Furthermore, research from different institutions has repeatedly shown that migrants commit far fewer crimes than U.S.-born citizens. These are facts; they are public, and everyone can verify them. Mr. Trump knows these facts, and he outright lied to the American public. Granted, he lied with conviction and vigor, but he lied. I want to be totally clear, Mr. Trump did not just misstate facts or statistics, he denied their existence; he lied. It does not matter how often Mr. Trump or his enablers repeat these lies. They are still lies.
Reality does not change because Mr. Trump and his enablers lie. Issues like crime, immigration, fair taxation, and economic policies are not going to be solved by lying. Mr. Trump demonstrated that he does not have a command of fact-based reality.
President Joe Biden, even with a cold and barely able to speak, demonstrated his command of fact-based reality. Mr Biden has also demonstrated his dedication and resolve to making life better for the American people using fact-based reality, not fantasies. Lying will not make America great.