Political mental health

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) needs a new diagnosis to be added, “Insanity by reason of political ambition, elected power, or oligarchic wealth.” It would use criteria like the following:
1. Incessant lying by a politician to seduce ignorant or working poor citizens into a religion-like faith in a savior figure
2. Projecting one’s own deficiencies onto a political opponent in a smear campaign
3. Flip-flopping from one pole of the political spectrum to the other during or after an election campaign to avoid losing money or to curry favor
4. Shutting down traditional newspaper election endorsements to avoid offending a strongman politician
5. Proclaiming immunity from prosecution for crimes and civil wrongdoings committed during campaigning, office holding, or private life
6. Disowning foreign war as a method of international problem-solving and then upon winning office threatening to conquer new territory by military or economic means
7. Threatening “All hell will break out” if certain actions are not taken by Muslim politicians
8. Cozying up to known madmen on the world scene who suppress individual freedom and economic opportunity