CRT Tyranny in Greece

Harsh reality tells us that “paycheck patriots” are now in charge of “educating” our kids. They are generously described as “teachers,” however, Communists describe them as “indoctrinators,” “cultural warriors” and “useful idiots.”
Following a meeting early last week with a remarkably passive Odyssey Board of Education at which parents raised their concerns about the introduction of racist Marxist curriculum, and to the unseemly cheers of Board members, the school’s “Director of Equity” was introduced. My skin crawled…
It was then I realized how morally bankrupt our teachers, their unions and board members had become.
Kids will now be routinely brainwashed into believing that their skin color–not their character–dictates whether they are oppressors or the oppressed and whether they can succeed or fail. In short, “teachers” are now paid to promote cultural Marxism and social division.
Such subversion will destroy America, but I don’t think most teachers even care.