
Loaf and Ladle provides free meal to the community

Last summer when Reverend Nick Dorland was called to First Presbyterian Church in Brockport he wanted his position leading the church to resonate with the church’s mission statement of “being a congregation that loves God, loves other and serves the world.” The congregation was always active in various missions in serving the community but after several meetings with area church leaders Pastor Nick decided to offer community meals.   To complement the current meals being served on alternate Sundays of the month, First Presbyterian Church is now serving meals on the fourth Sunday of every month from 1 to 2:30 p.m. FPC calls it the “Loaf and Ladle.” It began in March and will continue throughout the year. The church volunteers and community provide a soup and bread lunch to anyone in the community who is in need. In addition to the lunch they also provide a beverage and dessert and some company to anyone in need. “If people need a meal we can prepare it. If people are hungry, let’s help them out,” said Reverend Nick.

The first Loaf and Ladle served over 30 people and had over 12 volunteers. They look forward to this community meal program to grow in both people to serve as well as volunteers from the community.  For more information you can stop in or contact the church at 585-637-5053.

A group of over 12 volunteers served those in attendance at the first Loaf and Ladle in March. The next meal will be provided on April 29. Provided photo
A group of over 12 volunteers served those in attendance at the first Loaf and Ladle in March. Provided photo

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