Roe v. Wade

Roe v. Wade affirmed that women had a right to abortion based on the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of liberty, which the court interpreted as the right to privacy, free of unreasonable government interference. Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. claims that abortion isn’t rooted in the country’s history and tradition. Let’s get real; abortions have always happened as long as humans have inhabited the earth. They happened in the 1700s, and they will continue to happen in the future. The only real question is: are abortions going to be legal, safe, and regulated, or are we going to assign them to unsafe backroom, black market operations. Honestly, no one likes abortions. They are messy, bloody, and ugly. There is nothing to like about abortions. But abortions happen because there is no guarantee that placenta abruption won’t happen; or that extrauterine pregnancy won’t happen; or that a fetus won’t develop without vital organs needed to survive outside the womb; or a thousand other problems. Abortions happen because it is part of the human condition. Do women really need to justify their pregnancy to the government? Justice Alito says they do. What other privacy rights and individual liberties is Justice Alito willing to take and assign to big brother. Justice Alito’s opinion is an assault on the liberty of all free people and all Americans.