Ferris-Goodridge hosting blood drive March 1

Ferris-Goodridge American Legion Post #330 is hosting its first American Red Cross blood drive of 2023 on Wednesday, March 1, from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Post Home, 691 Trimmer Road, Spencerport.
There is an urgent need for all blood types, however, those with types O positive and O negative or A and B negative are encouraged to try to give a power red donation. Due to a recent change in eligibility requirements, anyone who has lived or served in the military in the countries of UK, Ireland, and France is now eligible to donate. Masks at the Legion are optional. Appointments are encouraged; walk-ins will be taken if there is a spot available. For appointment information, visit https://www.redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733-2767 (sponsor is Spencerport American Legion Post #330). The Legion has set a goal to have 36 people donate during this drive and encourages everyone to roll up their sleeves to help save lives.
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