Local Concerns

Development of Rt31/259

I understand the meeting Thursday evening regarding various development plans for the town of Ogden was well attended and lasted fairly long. A number of Spencerport Village and Ogden residents spoke at length against further development of the lots on the corner of Rt 31 and Rt 259.

I did not attend, the reason? I was told many years ago when I voiced my desires to have the lots in question remain as farm land or residential zoning that tax money trumps the desire of myself and other residents who wish to keep our village and town quiet and small.

I am proud that Thursday evening impassioned residents stood up and denounced further destruction of our village and town. However, nothing they said will change the plans afoot, money talks. At my past meeting, it was carefully explained that farm land does not generate enough tax money and residential land cost too much to support. The ONLY way to make money was to go with commercial zoning. 30 some years ago, our town representatives chose to be on the path of turning this section of land into the same sort of debacle the corners of Rt 31 and Rt 19 has become in Brockport. While those representatives ar no longer in office, the path chosen then is still on track and cannot be changed.

It is sad but inevitable these changes will happen. I truly hope future residents of Ogden and Spencerport enjoy the mess made at the expense of current residents. St.

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