Friends of Hamlin Beach State Park hold third annual I Love My Park Day
The Friends of Hamlin Beach State Park welcomed 61 volunteers to the third annual I Love My Park Day at the State Park’s location at 968 Moscow Road on Saturday, May 3. Volunteers were welcomed upon registration with hot coffee and donuts provided by the Hamlin Lions Club. A variety of work projects for all ages and interests were completed during the morning.
Local businesses, Kirby’s Farm Market, Van Putte Gardens, My Friends’ Greenhouse, Home Depot and Partyka Farms donated perennials, annuals, top soil, garden edging, landscape fabric and mulch so that the volunteers could build flower gardens on the south and east side of the house as well as putting a circular perennial garden in the lawn on the west side of the driveway. While these workers, led by team leaders from the Friends group, were busy gardening, other volunteers were occupied with other projects.
A 20’ by 20’ vegetable garden was formed to the east of the house with lumber and concrete donated by Brockport businesses. The Town of Hamlin contributed compost for the gardens. This garden will be used to grow Indian corn, gourds, and pumpkins for fall.
Other volunteers were busy putting up posts for interpretative signs along the planned self-guided tour of the former CCC/POW camp adjacent to the property. Numbers for the signs were donated by Lake Shore Luxuries of Hamlin.
Water and snack bars which Hamlin Tops donated were provided to all during the work. Following a busy and productive morning, everyone enjoyed pizza from three pizza restaurants in Hamlin: Krony’s Pizza, Mark’s Pizzeria, Pizza Shack.
The Friends of Hamlin Beach is a nonprofit, charitable organization, founded to support programs, services, and activities of Hamlin Beach State Park. I Love My Park Day is held annually on the first Saturday in May. The two earlier ILMPD’s have resulted in new gardens, planters, horse shoe pits, and baseball viewing bench in Area 3. Hundreds of trees were planted and acres cleared of winter debris at these events. Interested volunteers may register on-line for next year’s event in April 2015.
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