
Hamlin Royals help out with Girl Scout’s bench project

On Saturday, September 20, the Hamlin Royals youth group assisted Girl Scout Cheyenne Zaremba with completing her Gold Award project. This is the highest award a Girl Scout can achieve and her project was creating five benches with different themes to be placed in various locations on Hamlin Town Hall grounds.

The bench that the Royals helped assemble was community themed, incorporating all vital elements that make up a vibrant community; love, respect, friends, family, volunteering, belonging, etc. The themes on the other benches include anti-bullying, the importance of  knowledge, sports, and play. They will be placed near the courthouse, the library, the tennis/basketball courts and near the playground, respectively.

The Royals took turns learning how to handle the various power tools and Cheyenne engaged them in lively discussion regarding the theme of the bench while they were working. Hamlin Gold Award Benches captured the project on Facebook.

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