Hosta sale supports The Center in Brockport

Peggy Hale is an advocate for The Center in Brockport. At her 26 Meadowview Drive home she is selling hostas as a fundraiser and providing literature about The Center to her visitors.
The Center is located at 133 State Street adjacent to the Erie Canal. It was formerly the “Sweden Senior Center.” It is now a community center, a gathering place with activities for all ages. Peggy wants the public to know the wider purpose and to take advantage of The Center’s offerings.
On her own, Peggy’s project has included mail ordering 100 bare root hostas, then planting them in her garden, replanting some, mixing the soil to pot them, watering constantly, and displaying the pots on tables in her yard.
After this work investment, and paying $100 for the order plus her other costs, she suggests a “donation of $4 per plant” in her recent Suburban News ad headlined “Benefit Sale.” Since placing the ad, her yard signs have a more customer-friendly message: “Take what you want, and pay what you can.” She borrowed that sales approach from the Hartley Family Band who used the slogan to sell their CDs and DVDs at a recent concert at the Morgan-Manning House.
With a few sample plants at the street side, a sign invites visitors to look over the tables of plants near the house. Buying is on the honor system by leaving a donation in a jar. Or, she is glad to meet inquiring people and show them other plants she has for sale. “Some people knock on the door,” she said. “I like meeting people that way. It’s been interesting.”
“Pay what you can” means Peggy relies on the customer’s good will to support the work of service groups that meet at The Center. The Quilting Group makes about 300 quilts a year for the homeless and the needy families in our area. In its first year the Community Sewing Group teaches how to sew and participants make a variety of hand crafted items. The Knitting Club knits and crochets items for area cancer patients. Dresses for Girls around the World makes dresses for needy and underprivileged girls in the U.S. and around the world.
Besides supporting its service groups, Peggy promotes the public’s use of The Center that has activities for all ages. Anyone can join the groups and other activities, she says. And, The Center is available to other community service organizations which can apply to use the facility. She has a supply of brochures advertising Sweden and Clarkson Recreation, including a wide variety of activities offered at The Center.
Whatever the sales results, “I don’t worry about making money,” Peggy says. “I just remember that I want people to learn about the Center.”
Note: Peggy will answer any questions by phone at 637-4857.