Charlie Daniels Band puts on a show at Hilton Firemen’s Carnival

The Charlie Daniels Band performed at the Hilton Firemen’s Carnival on Wednesday, July 12. The crowd numbered just under 3,500 fans. Mark Kalen, Co-Chair for the Carnival, said, “We wanted to get him last year, but weren’t able to. Fortunately we were able to book him this year.”
The Hilton Fire Department provides free, live entertainment every night during the carnival. This is their largest fundraiser and they wanted to do it big. Kalen said, “We wanted to give the community the chance to see a nationally-known band for a great price. Only $5 to see Charlie Daniels, can’t beat that.”
Over 45 years on the road and still going strong at 81 years of age, Charlie Daniels says, “I love life on the road; it’s wonderful. It is what I love to do.”

Daniels has a new book coming out in the fall that he is very excited about, entitled Never Look At The Empty Seats. Daniels says about the book, “The title comes from advice I was given to not look at the empty seats … and there were a lot when I first started out. Concentrate on the seats that are filled and play for the people who come out to see you.”
In the book, Daniels shares in his own words, a personal side to his life story which also includes insights into many of the musicians that were part of his world at the time. “It is an accumulation of my stories from the start of my career to my induction into the Country Music Hall of Fame,” Daniels says.
Daniels put out an album two years ago called “Off the Grid: Doin’ It Dylan.” This album, that Daniels recorded with his band, is payback to Dylan for being so inspirational to the music industry. Daniels says, “I’m a Bob Dylan fan, and was blessed to be able to work with him.” Daniels said the Dylan songs chosen for the album were songs that they thought would work best for them, and they performed them Charlie- Daniels-Band style.

During the show, the Charlie Daniels Band performed both old and new music. Included were “I Shall Be Released” by Bob Dylan and “Folsom Prison Blues” by Johnny Cash. Daniels patriotism shined when he acknowledged the military and veterans with songs, and a great rendition of “The Pledge of Allegiance,” much to the delight of the ecstatic crowd in Hilton.
After the high-energy 90-minute-plus show, The Charlie Daniels Band packed up their equipment and headed to their next show in Wisconsin the following night. They perform approximately 100 shows a year, touring all over the country.