WN Community Directory delivered with this issue

Popular user-friendly booklet packed with local info
This weekend’s delivery of the 22nd Edition of the Westside News Inc. Hometown Community Directory brings a valuable resource to area residents. Not only does the booklet define nearby businesses and service providers and what they offer through its advertisers, it also is packed with easily accessible information with a strong local focus.
“Find It” inside the pages of the publication – look for contact information for area post offices, schools, community groups, churches as well as municipal government phone numbers and addresses – all conveniently packaged in an indexed format in type you can read.
Make shopping more convenient –
become more aware of local and neighborhood businesses which are featured in listings as well as display advertisements throughout the categorized format in the Directory.
Get familiar with the publication’s content so you can “Find It” when you need to look up answers to the hugely popular Directory Escape Contest printed in the Suburban News and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald each week. Based on information found in the Hometown Community Directory, answer the questions and send in your entry for monthly drawings to win a gift certificate to a Community Directory advertiser of the winner’s choice. (See the Directory Escape Contest ad in this week’s paper for information). The Grand Prize winner chosen at random from a year’s worth of entries receives a travel opportunity offered by Bodine Unlimited Tours Inc. The Grand Prize winner for this year is announced inside this week’s newspaper.