Greece Central School District Election Results

By a vote of 2,752 in favor to 1,239 against, Greece Central School District voters approved a $290,752,050 spending plan for the 2023-24 school year. The budget remains within the state’s tax levy limit and carries a projected tax rate of $24.54 per $1,000 of assessed value.
“The budget approved reflects our commitment to focus on what matters,” said Superintendent Kathleen Graupman. “We’re grateful to the voters and thank the entire community for their support of Greece schools.”
By a vote of 2,769 in favor and 1,229 against, voters approved a bus purchase proposition that authorizes the district to purchase up to 35 replacement vehicles at a cost not to exceed $4,914,745. Of that amount, $1,720,000 will come from the district’s previously established bus purchase reserve fund. The remaining cost will be financed over five years with debt service to begin in 2023-24 with no additional cost to residents.
In a six-way race for three seats on the Board of Education, voters selected incumbents Sean McCabe (2,471 votes) and William Maloney (2,368 votes), and newcomer Todd Butler (2,395 votes). The candidates not elected were Jordan Stenzel (1,575 votes), Miguel Millan (1,463 votes) and Septimus Scott (1,386 votes).
The newly elected Board of Education members will serve three-year terms beginning on July 1, 2023.
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