Greece NY News

Lakeview Community Church Annual August Challenge

Lakeview Community Church, 30 Long Pond Road, (near Edgemere Drive), supports the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf (GEFS) every month. However, August is a special month because we have our August Challenge. 

Our goal this year is to collect 1200 boxes or pouches of instant mashed potatoes. Donations may be brought to Lakeview Church on Sunday mornings from 9:30-11:30. Another opportunity is Saturday, August 31, from 9am to 1pm when we have our “drive up and drop off” day.

If shopping is difficult for you, please feel free to give cash or make a check payable to Lakeview Community Church and write “GEFS” on the memo line. Volunteers will shop for you.

For more information, call 317-3733 and leave a message. Thank you for your support.

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