
Brockport gets grant to document properties of historical significance

by Kristina Gabalski

The Village of Brockport has received a certified local government grant which will be used by the village’s Historic Preservation Board to complete a comprehensive survey of historic property in the village and to create a Historic Preservation Board website.

Trustee Bill Andrews discussed the grant during the September 25 regular meeting of the Village Board. He said the grant totals $9,771.

“The comprehensive survey will include an architectural description of the structure, the history of the structure and a photo of the structure,” he said.

Grant funds will be used to hire an architect to complete the architectural description. As the village’s match to the grant, Trustee Andrews said members of the Historic Preservation Board will provide in-kind services to complete the history and photography portion of the survey.

Also at the September 25 meeting, trustees agreed to a travel/training authorization for $175 for Trustee Margaret Blackman to attend the 2012 New York State Canal Conference September 30 to October 2 in Oswego.

Blackman called the canal “a treasure” and said she and Trustee Carol Hannan recently had the opportunity to speak with NYS Canal Corporation Director Brian Stratton as well as other area officials during a ride from Fairport to Lyons on the canal.

Blackman said she would like to start an annual canal celebration in the village called “Low Bridge High Water to celebrate the opening of the canal the first weekend in May.”

The event would run Friday and Saturday. Trustee Blackman said she envisions the celebration including food, historical pageantry, music and “a parade on the water.” One of the canal’s tugboats might also be brought to the village for the event, Trustee Blackman said.

She said her participation in the upcoming Canal Conference would be an opportunity to “get feedback on my ideas,” and to learn more about how the village can better utilize and develop the opportunities the canal provides.

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