Family Fun Day at Higbie’s
Mickey the Belgian, a large draft horse weighing over 2,000 lbs., performs tricks for people attending Higbie’s Family Fun Day. Higbie Farm Supplies Inc., on Union Street in North Chili and owned by Rob and Terry Harris, celebrated their annual Family Fun Day on Saturday, April 27.
Rob Harris, owner of Higbie Farm Supplies Inc., gets a kiss from Mickey the Belgian as Mickey’s owner Jennifer Rogers, holding his bridle, looks on. Hundreds of people from the community, adults and children, attended Family Fun Day and came to see all the farm animals that customers of Higbie’s brought to share. There were three customer families that raise and brought Alpacas (a long-haired domesticated South American mammal related to the llama) for all to see. Other customers brought baby lambs, goats, pigs, chicks and ducks to put on display. The Monroe County Dairy Princess and her Court were also there to talk about the benefits of dairy products.
Ladue Wildlife Center from Brockport displayed an owl that had been rehabilitated.The Black Creek Wildlife Station, Inc. from Churchville and the Ladue Wildlife Center from Brockport displayed owls that had been rehabilitated. These groups are committed to the care and rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned wildlife. The intent of these rescue groups is to release rehabilitated wildlife back into their natural habitat.
Horse rides were provided for children by the City View Equestrian Show who in addition sold carrot treats for the horses with the proceeds to benefit the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.
Outback Alpacas, a small farm, brought their Alpacas for all to see and enjoy. One of the main attractions of the morning was Mickey the Belgian, a large draft horse weighing over 2,000 lbs. His owner, Jennifer Rogers, had Mickey perform tricks, kiss people in the crowd, and ate treats from people walking past.
Rob Harris said that Family Fun Day (also known as Chick Days) has been going on for more than ten years and was started when some of the customers thought it would be a good idea to get together with their animals and pets for all in the community to enjoy. Each year the event has gotten larger and larger and all that come enjoy the fun and have a great time.