Two seek election to Hamlin town board seat

Roberta A. Fey moved to Hamlin 14 years ago with her husband and grandson.
“We chose to live in Hamlin because we wanted to raise our grandson in a safe, rural atmosphere where people are friendly,” Fey says.
Fey has been active in the community. She is a Life Member of the Ladies Auxiliary to VFW Post 6703, serving as 2nd vice president, secretary and club historian; a member of the Hamlin Veterans Association serving on the Board of Directors and as secretary; a member of the American Veterans Association Auxiliary; is an appointed member of the Board of Governors for Hamlin Life Solutions and Food Pantry; is a member of the Friends of Hamlin Beach State Park and the Friends of the Town of Hamlin Parks and Recreation; is a member of the Lions Club of Hamlin – past president, Lions Club International – chairman for Region 2, Zone 3, and the Youth Committee – director of Leo Clubs and Youth Outreach Program; New York State Board of Elections Election Inspector and original Executive Board of Directors/Co-Founder of Hamlin Hornets Football and Cheer.
“I feel that I would be an effective addition to the town board as I have held a number of leadership positions in Hamlin’s civic associations,” Fey says. “My serving on the Town Council would be an extension of my ongoing community involvement.”
Fey says the Town of Hamlin needs to have forward direction with the times and growth, but while preserving the integrity “of who we are. It is amazing to have the opportunity to stop at our local farm stands and bring home fresh vegetables. ‘No Farms No Food’ is a perfect slogan and one I believe in,” she continues.
Fey notes that the Hamlin community has residents who have lived in the town for generations as well as those who live in Hamlin and work elsewhere.
“We need to bring the residents’ issues and thoughts to light and address them to create a solution that works for all,” Fey says.
Fey has the Democratic endorsement. She has also received community awards during her years in Hamlin. She was named Hamlin Lions Club “Lion of he Year – 2010, 2011; received the Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award for “Outstanding Leadership and Service to her Community” in 2014; was named Hamlin Hornets “Volunteer of the Year” in 2008 and received the Outstanding Performance Award for Chairperson of Earth Day Concessions Fund Raiser, presented by the Hamlin Lions in 2012.

Jennifer Goodrich has strong ties to Hamlin Town government. She was appointed this past May to fill the seat on the Town Council left vacant by her father’s death earlier this year following a battle with cancer.
Goodrich says her dad sparked an interest in her that she didn’t even realize she had.
“When faced with an overwhelming loss, one may re-prioritize,” she says. “I did precisely that – putting Hamlin at the top of the list. The town and serving the community was such an important part of dad’s life. When he fought his battle with cancer, I went through everything with him and my mom. This included both cancer and Hamlin politics/issues.”
Goodrich is a registered nurse and explains that caring for people has always come first in her life. She says serving on the Town Council is an extension of that.
“My experience since my appointment in May has proven to be invaluable as I look to be elected,” Goodrich says. “I have truly enjoyed working with the Town Council, the support boards, our elected county, state and federal representatives and the community.”
She says facilitating and maintaining positive growth is an important issue facing the town.
“Of course, everyone would always like to see lower taxes. One way we can accomplish this is by increasing our tax base via new builds and businesses,” she says, but realizes the task of encouraging growth while preserving a rural, agricultural community is challenging.
Goodrich says her hometown is a great place to live and raise a family. It is safe and friendly and is situated on Lake Ontario with picturesque farms. Support of residents for each other is also apparent.
Family and friends are vital facets of her life, Goodrich says, and believes personal connections and experiences make life valuable.
Goodrich notes she is steadfast in her convictions, but, “I have the ability to listen to others and am open to other points of view,” she explains. “As a member of the Town Council, one must be able to make decisions for the good of the community. This requires good judgement, critical thinking and the ability to look at the global picture. I possess these qualities.”
Goodrich has the Republican, Conservative and Independence endorsements. She encourages residents to attend town board meetings and public hearings to voice their opinions and concerns and to communicate with town officials and employees.
“Elected officials are only as good at representing the needs and wants of the constituents as the constituents are at expressing them,” Goodrich says.