Hamlin seniors and Monroe County Sheriff prepare gifts for families in need
On Tuesday, December 6, the Hamlin seniors met with the Monroe County Sheriff’s department to help wrap Christmas gifts for under privileged children in the community.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Foundation received donations by numerous corporations and sheriff employees, which allowed them to purchase $3,000 in gifts for under privileged children and their families. The victim’s advocates and employees in the police bureau identify the in-need families each year.
In addition to the gifts, they provided baskets for the families of the children. The baskets contained all the makings for a complete Christmas meal including a frozen turkey. Over 250 children will receive the gifts and 130 different families in each of the three sheriff zones will benefit from the baskets.
The same day, senior citizens from the Town of Hamlin came in to assist the sheriff’s office to help wrap the gifts. Within a few hours the Hamlin seniors helped pull the efforts together by wrapping the items in festive gift-wrap. The gifts and baskets will be delivered right before Christmas.