Hilton Lioness Club holds dedication ceremony

The Hilton Lioness Club held a dedication ceremony at Parma Town Park on November 12 for the park bench they furnished in memory of Becky Kelley. Becky was not only a Charter Member of the Club, founded in 1984, but also a great mentor to all. Even though she was debilitated by MS for 50 years, she was always an avid member, and continued overseeing the operation of the Lions Club Medical Loan Closet until her passing. Included in the photo are her loving husband, Lion Andy Kelley, and her sister, Susan Greene, as well as numerous aides who gave her assistance. The ceremony was hosted by Janet LaBorie, Lioness President, and performed by Rev. Jennifer Green of the Hilton United Methodist Church. Also in attendance were members of the Hilton Lions and Lioness Clubs. The Hilton Lioness Club would also like to thank Joe Petricone, Parma Parks Foreman, TK Services of Hilton, and Jack Trembley, for their labor donated for the bench foundation.
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