
St. Leo Council members receive Knights of Columbus awards

Each year the Knight of Columbus, an International Catholic men’s fraternal organization, presents individual Councils with awards according to the accomplishments of the Council.

The “Shining Armor” award is given to a Knight who has been very active in his first year of membership. This year the award was given to Ron Bourret.

A “Family of the Year” award is given to a Knight and his family who serves his parish and community both individually and as a family. Each Council’s “Family of the Year” is then in the running for the “State Family of the Year” and in turn is eligible for the “International Family of the Year.” The St. Leo Council #9461 is honored to have the Jose Rivera Family chosen as the third runner-up for the “International Family of the Year” for 2017. The John VerWulst Family received the “Family of the Year” award and is now eligible for the State and International Family of the Year.

As a Council, the St. Leo Council received the “Double Star Council Award” by doubling their annual goal for number of new members last year.

Provided information and photos

St. Leo Grand Knight Jose Rivera (right) presents the “Shining Armor” award to Ron Bourret.
St. Leo Grand Knight Jose Rivera (right) presents the “Shining Armor” award to Ron Bourret.
New York State advocate Mike Flanagan (left) presents the “Double Star Council Award” to Grand Knight Jose Rivera.
New York State advocate Mike Flanagan (left) presents the “Double Star Council Award” to Grand Knight Jose Rivera.




District Deputy Ken Kruger (left) with “International Family of the Year” third runner up Jose and Rita Rivera.
District Deputy Ken Kruger (left) with “International Family of the Year” third runner up Jose and Rita Rivera.
St. Leo Grand Knight Jose Rivera (left) presents the 2017 “Family of the Year” award to Sue and John VerWulst.
St. Leo Grand Knight Jose Rivera (left) presents the 2017 “Family of the Year” award to Sue and John VerWulst.

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